Sky above Srebrenica is based on protocols of the secret crisis meetings of the UN headquarters. In a unique way never before released original material of the consequences is shown next to those who are responsible for these.
Nebo iznad Srebrenice se temelji na tajnim protokolima Glavnog štaba UN-a i prikazuje razgovor generala uoči katastrofe u glavnom sjedištu u Zagrebu. Vrhovno rukovodstvo će biti usnimljeno pored nikada objavljenog izvornog materijala.
On the 11 of July 1995, the most shameful crimes after World War II in Europe destroyed the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. Shootings and deportations beyond imagination were preceded by a betrayal of humanity: while 40,000 civilians were looking into the sky of Srebrenica, waiting for a sign from the international community, guaranteeing their protection, the headquarters of the United Nations decided to surrender. The betrayal kills 8,372 men, women and children.
11. jula 1995. su najteži zločini nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u Evropi uništili mali bosanski grad Srebrenicu. Nezamislivim pogubljenjima i deportacijama prethodi izdaja čovječanstva: dok 40.000 civila ukočeno gleda u nebo Srebrenice i čeka na jedan znak Međunarodne zajednice, koji garantira njihovu zaštitu, u glavnom sjedištu Ujedinjenih nacija se donosi odluka o njihovoj predaji bez borbe. 8.372 čovjeka je životom platilo tu izdaju Bosne i Hercegovine od strane Zapada.
Photos: Lara Wilde / Peter Conrad / Jessica Wahl
»Impressively, the film forms
an answer to how Srebrenica
could have been prevented and
what lessons must be learned
for the future of humanity.«
»You must watch this movie!«
»Čak i ako se sumnja u Evropu: obavezno pogledati!«
Content in German
Infomappe zur Aktion
Infomappe zum Film
Zitty Berlin Bergungsarbeiten auf Lethe
SWR2 Dschungel Machete: Das Dschungelmagazin, Gast im Studio: Philipp Ruch
Berliner Kunstsalon Politischer Expressionismus
Radio Sarajevo Srebrenica u Berlinu