Eating refugees

To celebrate the big EU-Turkey deal, we built an arena with four Libyan tigers in the middle of Berlin. We searched for refugees who were willing to be eaten for the successful defense policy of the federal government and for the transport ban for refugees (§ 63 Abs. 3 AufenthG) - a hyperreal Rome on the floor of the strong European Union.

Details of the arena

The gladiatorial interpretation of Europe: The arena is the building type of a condensed deadly trap. Here, fates are generated in front of a large audience - defeats and victories. Spectacles uncover the ideological core of a society, such as letting refugees die in the name of securing the EU's external borders. While the deterrence policy takes a break, the arena gets cleaned and filled with fresh sand.

The gate

Through the gate of the Roman goddess of death, the looters of Europe arrive on all fours at the arena.


Above the monument, the original battle cry of the French Revolution flutters in the wind. The last sentence was deleted later on.

§ 63 Abs. 3 AufenthG

The prohibition of transport for refugees is an essential element in the monument. If tigers approach, written law faces natural law.


The monk Telemachus jumps, dressed in white, into the arena to stop the games. In the early 20th century, Emily Davison sets her body in the struggle for equality: She throws herself in front of the King's horse and dies.

damnatio ad bestias

The Roman penal law used the wild beasts as a condemnation for slaves, war criminals, and state enemies. These punishments were executed before the actual gladiatorial battles.

The first candidate who is willing to let itself eaten by the animals turns with an impressive speech (17 min) at the German public at a press conference.
Eine der Siedlerinnen, die alles verloren hat – nicht wegen des Krieges in ihrer Heimat, sondern wegen der Mauern um Europa. Sie ist wie zwölf andere Flüchtlinge bereit, in die Arena zu steigen, um das große Unrecht zu stoppen. Sie will sich fressen lassen und wendet sich in einer dramatischen Rede an die deutsche Öffentlichkeit. Ihre Tat kann alles verändern, den Ruf des Reiches als Garant der Menschenrechte zerstören – oder ihn retten. Ave imperium europaeum, morituri te salutant.

The Joachim 1

The summer of dying 2016 has dawned. There is no time to lose. Hundreds of thousands of people are drowning again on the Libyan coast. The deletion of a single paragraph in the German law can change this - and thereby still change the fate of Europe’s humanity. The ferry, which ferries from the Turkish mainland to Lesbos, costs less than 10 EUR. The human traffickers demand for the same route in deadly boats up to 2000 EUR. Responsible for this is the EU Directive 2001/51/EC.

The CPB visited and took care of the passengers in Turkey. They are Syrians who have without a doubt the right for asylum (if they take the risk of the murderous way). We sent the passport data and the declaration of intent to the chancellery, the Department for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the BAMF. As the first plane on behalf of the German civil society, the Joachim 1 will bring people in need on a safe route from Turkey to their loved ones in Germany. There is no political justification for people to be plundered by human traffickers for being either drowned or wade hundreds of kilometres afoot through the mud.

The passengers of the Joachim 1

Why don't refugees take the plane?

It is the basic question of the entire action: it is not the money or. will that refugees cannot fly. It is due to a law. A law ensures that people are accused of nature. Ferries that ferry from the Turkish mainland to Lesbos cost less than 10 euros. A plane from Turkey costs less than 100 euros. Human traffickers claim for the same routes 2,000 euros. An EU Directive (2001/51/ EC) is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people. 

Action against the Federal Government

In the name of 23 refugees, whose entry by plane during the action was refused, we filed a lawsuit against the Federal Government on 19 October 2016. The object is the direct, unlawful interference of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in the action and the unconstitutionality of § 63 of the Residence Act, as well as the EU-Turkey Pact.

In the specific case, the refusal was illegal because of the fact that the residence law was specifically used to prevent the entry of documented, asylum-seeking war refugees. The EU-Turkey pact, on the other hand, breaks the principle of non-refoulement from the Geneva Refugee Convention.

Shake things up – Become an accomplice!

Björn Höcke has praised the Center for Political Beauty as a »terrorist group«. Get close to the action and become an accomplice to a terrorist organization so far sadly recognized only by Höcke, Erdogan, and the Free State of Thuringia! As an accomplice you will make an invaluable contribution to inciting public unrest in the service of aggressive humanism. Nowhere else will you receive more unrest and dissent for every donated Euro. 

The Ministry Of The Interior clarifies

»Here we should have killed to show that you are acting like animals. But you are not acting like animals. You have strayed from us to be better than us. But you just have strayed from yourselves. We cancelt he final. In the name oft he tigers we leave you alone with your dilemma. We are not the solution. We are the sad performers of your doom. This is too real to be played.«

Letter from the tigers to mankind Video


Content in German

Participants: Nils Minkmar, Joseph Vogl, Thomas Fischer, Mely Kiyak, Jakob Augstein, Matthias Lilienthal, Carl Hegemann, Klaus Staeck, Katrin Göring-Eckhardt, Bernd Ulrich, Dietmar Bartsch and many more.

Audio Prof. Thomas Fischer

Audio Bernd Ulrich, Samira El Ouassil & Dietmar Bartsch

Audio Katrin Göring-Eckhardt

Audio Philipp Lengsfeld, Maximilian Popp & Aiman Mazyek

Audio Klaus Staeck & Sevim Dagdelen

Audio Ines Kappert, Caterina Lobenstein & Anke Domscheidt-Berg


Deutsche Welle  Political art group sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers

Europe Online Magazine  Refugee airlift linked to man-eating tiger installation cancelled

The Wire  Why One Woman Plans to Walk Into a Cage of Tigers in the Middle of Berlin

NPR Berlin  Life In Berlin: The Center For Political Beauty Sharpens Its Teeth Once Again

Exberliner  Feeding on refugees: The Center for Political Beauty

SputnikNews  'Devour the Refugees': Hungry Tigers to Eat Live Migrants in Berlin Protest  'Devour the Refugees': Hungry Tigers to Eat Live Migrants in Berlin Protest  'Devour the Refugees': Hungry Tigers to Eat Live Migrants in Berlin Protest  Activists perform with tigers to protest EU refugee policy  'Tigers eat refugees' performance ends without bloodshed

Content in Arabic  بسبب-اللجوء-في-ألمانيا-ممثلة-سورية-تقد

RT Arabic  ببالفيديو.. ممثلة سورية تعرض نفسها طعاما للنمور احتجاجا على ظروف اللاجئين

anapress  ععمل فني ضد سياسة استقبال اللاجئين بمشاركة فنانة سورية ونمور ليبية مفترسة  منظمة ألمانية تدعم اللاجئين عبر النمور المفترسة!  تعاطفاً مع اللاجئين.. مي سكاف سترمى “قربان” لنمور مفترسة  إلغاء رحلة جوية لنقل لاجئين إلى ألمانيا بسبب فعالية فنية ضد سياسة استقبال اللاجئين

Content in various languages

Pressenza  Il Centro per la Bellezza Politica: arte, creatività e diritti umani

El Pais  Tigres en Berlín para “devorar” refugiados

il Giornale  A Berlino spunta un'arena con le tigri per "mangiare" i rifugiati

SputnikBR  'Devorar refugiados': grupo realiza ação polêmica em Berlim  Vil du spises af en tiger?  В Берлине беженцев обещают скормить тиграм  Беженцев в Берлине отдадут на съедение тиграм  В Берлине активисты пообещали скормить беженцев тиграм