1 poem a day: in Germany, we manage the feat of being arrested for reciting a poem just in time for the 60th anniversary of the Federal Republic! On the fringes of the Federal Assembly, the ZPS organises an aubade on the Federal President with the significant surname. Afterwards, in front of the cameras (Spiegel TV, n-tv, RTL aktuell): Arrest! According to the LKA Berlin, the recited poem An die Schönheit (To Beauty) by Ernst Stadler contained »opinionated content«.
In the picture above: Nina van Bergen with a gift for the then Federal President Horst Köhler: »The ray of hope«
Center for political beauty
Gesichtsbild (Profil-, Pass- oder Familienfoto) hochladen.
Aris gleicht das Gesicht mit der Nazi-Datenbank ab.
Mitarbeiter gefunden? Für den Fall gab es ein breites Angebot für Arbeitgeber.
Neue Rheinische Zeitung No beauty in Germany
jetzt.de Life is beautiful
Telepolis The state of law versus beauty?
Tagesspiegel More poetic than what the police allows
The preliminary studies for the Centre for Political Beauty were about people's drives. How big, how important is what this society wants? All people have goals. But are they big enough? Are they beautiful? Do they go far enough? Where have we gone?
To understand where Germany stands, in 2009 we intensively questioned people on the streets about what they strive for, what drives and torments them. We locked the results in a time capsule on YouTube. We hope that forensic digital historians will unearth these documents at the end of the century. Because the genocidal super-GAUs of the 21st century will necessarily raise the question of what those who could have prevented them were preoccupied with.
The preliminary studies are evidence of the political will of the people who lived in the dawn of the 21st century. They were filmed to provide a key to understanding this time, our time - along with its lack of will and indifference. The recordings were not intended to defame. Where we found visions and aspirations, we included them. Not infrequently, however, the documents were characterised by a shrill lack of advice and vision. The preliminary studies preserve the temperature of our drives as a warning for all times to come.
The preliminary studies are also training videos for the members of the ZPS. Those who sit through them are often convinced of the political urgency of greatness and beauty.
During the 2009 election campaign, the Centre for Political Beauty set up an imaginary mine in front of the Chancellery to mine Germany's suppressed hopes, desires and goals. Refugees, torture victims and artists were the main target groups. An appeal was issued to over 1,000 humanitarian aid organisations and cultural institutions in the country (refugee works, literary workshops, galleries, publishing houses, associations, foundations). Where politics fails, the arts must step in and do what precedes the formation of a genuine political will: the formation of longing. More people suffer and fall ill from unresolved and unrealised longings than from heavy metals and nuclear waste repositories.
taz Longing for the good life
Die Welt Dialogue in the dark
Der Freitag Rendezvous with absentees
Tip-Berlin Forum of lost hopes at the Chancellery
Tagesspiegel Architecture of foreboding